Advocacy Resource Collection
Lawyers Alliance for New York's Guidance to Nonprofits Regarding Immigration Enforcement
Lawyers Alliance for New York's 2025 Federal Compliance Legal Alert for Nonprofits
Movement Infrastructure Series to Address A Range of Issues - Building Movement Projects
Muslims for Just Communities' Guide for Communities to Resist Project 2025
Muslims for Just Communities' Community Defense Resource Hub
Kenneth Rainin Foundation: Using our resources to face the challenges ahead
For Multi-Racial Asian Theatre Artists
Facebook group: CAATA: Mixed-Asian American Artist Alliance
A Bill of Rights for Racially Mixed People
A Code of Conduct for Interactions
Interracial Voice, a general resource/website devoted to people of multiple racial backgrounds
Mixed Asian Media, a collaborative magazine by those of multi-racial backgrounds, for everyone
An Informal Timeline of Asian American Theatre
The first edition of the following timeline was collaboratively created by the attendees of the 2006 National Asian American Theatre Conference and Festival as a record of events as part of Asian American theatre (both in general and to them personally) and performance history. Additional dates added since then (Note: dates are not verified).
Combating Yellowface
CAATA has assembled information to attack the issue of Yellowface from an array of angles: what it is, why it’s bad, and case studies and examples of (very!) recent occurrences of Yellowface on stage. We’ve also developed a checklist of action steps to take when you spot an instance of Yellowface.
Anti-Oppression & Working in Community
We can make active choices to create the space for transformation. For those of us who bring the pattern of privilege, here are some guidelines to help us equalize relations. Privilege is invisible to those who have it. To create a context which embraces diversity, in which no one is marginalized, a conscious and ongoing effort is required.
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Created by Peggy McIntosh: I decided to try to work on myself at least by identifying some of the daily effects of white privilege in my life. I have chosen those conditions that I think in my case attach somewhat more to skin-color privilege than to class, religion, ethnic status, or geographic location, though of course all these other factors are intricately intertwined.
Recognizing Microagressions
Microaggressions are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership. The first step in addressing microaggressions is to recognize when a microaggression has occurred and what message it may be sending. Use this downloadable PDF as a teaching tool and resource.
The Role of Allies
A Keynote Address Presented by Omi Osun Joni L. Jones, Ph.D.
Crowdsourced Resources for BIPOC and Diverse Theater Artists
A guide to not only Asian American theatre artists, but also black female directors, deaf artists, Latinx theatre artists, women artists and more. All crowdsourced, and a guide to the many wonderful artists that are often ignored by the wider theatre community. Please add your information to the bottom of these lists if applicable. Please allow others to opt-in by adding themselves, rather than being added by others.
Roster: Diverse Dramaturgs
A resource for producers, directors, or playwrights to identify racially, ethnically and culturally diverse creative teams for theater projects in the United States. Please add your information to the bottom of the list if you are a dramaturg who identifies as non-white or of color, inclusive of all ages, genders, and abilities. Please allow others to opt-in by adding themselves, rather than being added by others.