ConFest 2024: Hawaiʻi
May 24 - 28, 2024 | University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Logo design by Kaiukapu.
CAATA’s 7th national Asian American theater conference and festival, the first in-person gathering together since 2018!
As theater artists, we recognize the shifting landscape and the need to be both responsible and responsive. We see this as a moment of change. A moment to gather. A moment to learn. A moment to act.
ConFest 2024 focused on celebrating new works by Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian), Pacific Islander, and local Asian American theater practitioners. We came together as a community to witness and learn from the work grown on the islands.
This event was hosted in cooperation with Hana Keaka - The Hawaiian Theatre Program in the Department of Theatre & Dance,and ʻAhahui Noiʻi Noʻeau ʻŌiwi - Research Institute of Indigenous Performance (ANNO) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and TeaDa Productions.
Photo Gallery
Official ConFest 2024 photography by Greg Socito.
Take The Survey
If you attended any part of ConFest 2024, we want to hear from you. Y
Connect With ConFest Attendees
Many of you asked for this, so here it is! If you would like to share your contact information with other attendees, please add yourself to this spreadsheet.
Learn More About Hawaiʻi
We invite you to dig deeper into your learnings about recent incidents that have greatly impacted the community in Hawaiʻi. Please take a look at this resource packet we put together, browse the cited resources for further reading, and come to ConFest with context about the stories you’ll see on the stage.
How to be a Respectful Visitor
We are honored to have been invited to celebrate ConFest 2024 here in Hawaiʻi. As we share space, we also share the responsibility of caring for this 'Āina (land). To prepare you for your visit and beyond, we have collaborated with our local colleagues to create a guide with tips on how to be a respectful visitor.
If you have any questions about ConFest, please email us at info@caata.net.
Mahalo to our generous collaborators and sponsors!
CAATA ConFest 2024: Hawai’i is produced in cooperation with Hana Keaka - The Hawaiian Theatre Program in the Department of Theatre and Dance and ‘Ahahui Noi‘i No‘eau ‘Ōiwi - Research Institute of Indigenous Performance (ANNO) at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.